夏天的尾巴忽然不見了,趕緊打一篇懷念一下吧!那是暑假的最後一天,我們去了摸蜆。要準備什麼? 大概是一雙水上活動鞋及手套吧? 沒有? 那一雙膠鞋/ 白飯魚啦! 還要,無限防曬用品。
I love summer but it's almost gone. Thus I try to catch the tail end of summer. It was the last day of August. I went clam digging with my friends. What should you prepare for this? Mmmmm... Just a pair of water sports shoes and gloves. You haven't got it? It's fine. Just a pair of rubber overshoes, and more importantly, plenty of sunscreen products!
聽聞巴士可以分段收費,上車問問司機水口石灘的價錢吧! 我們就是給了全費的傻瓜子,哈哈。至於下車的位置,一邊留意路旁就可以了,因為那裡有唯一一間士多豎著「摸蜆工具出租」的字樣。
Someone told me that the fee of bus was sectional. Just ask the driver about the price if you get off at Shui Hau mud flat. Please do it when you just step in the bus. If not, pay the full fee, and be an idiot like me. What time should you get off? Mmmmm... I suggest you to sit behind the driver cause the hints appear at the right-hand-side. A white wooden board with "clam digging tools rental" writing will show. Try to remember the words in Chinese "摸蜆工具出租". Good luck. :D
那間士多供租用的東西有桶子一個、膠櫈一張、泥耙一個。還有櫃子可以暫存背包,實在太體貼! 想要收獲豐富,可以選初一十五後的幾天,勿忘留意當天的潮退時間,看看 http://www.hko.gov.hk/contentc.htm 吧!
The clam digging tools rental package included a bucket, a chair and a mud rake. There's a cabinet for you to keep the backpack and shoes. So don't worry to make your belongings messy. If you aims to dig many big clams, visit there few days after the full moon. And don't forget to check the low tide period before your adventure, from the above link.
由士多出發,沿著小路一直走就一陣子就到達泥灘。可恨的是那天天氣不大好,灰灰暗暗,更下了幾場大雨。雖然無損摸蜆的興致,但傳說中好像天空之鏡的日落景象就無緣一看喇! 像這個有點灰灰的收貨嗎? :P
Get start from the store. Walk along the lane and you can get there. Unfortunately, the weather was not good enough on that day, it's a cloudy and rainy day. Yet, we're still enjoyable. It could be the Salar de Uyuni of Hong Kong! Haaaa, what I can see is just the "gray" version of that. Still, not bad, Huh?
如果在附近租了渡假屋,或是在那裡露營,該會盡二百分力去為晚餐做好加碟炒蜆的準備吧? 個人經驗所得,摸到的蜆是大是少,還是看
人品運氣吧! 體型太細小的蜆就放過人家啦 ><
If you've booked a resort nearby, or decided to go camping there, I believe that you'll try your best to dig as many clams as you can. According to my clam-digging experience, the size of clam just depends on your face fate! But please, let that baby clams go. ><
P.S. 在東涌乘11號巴士,於貝澳的水口石灘下車
Take the bus no.11 in Tung Chung, and get off in Pui O, Shui Hau Station.
The fee for tools rental is HKD$20/set, plus HKD$70 deposit. (Hope that my short-term memory was reliable. )